Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology Procurement Plan for 2024-2025

No # Group/Category Estimated Amount in UGX:
1 General Stationery 271,270,362.00
2 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding 12,700,000.00
3 Toners and Cartridges 35,300,000.00
4 Accounting, auditing and tax advisory 100,000,000.00
5 Workshops and Seminars 1,888,000,000.00
6 Staff Identity Cards 55,940,000.00
7 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 38,500,000.00
8 Components for information technology or broadcasting or telecommunications 80,000,000.00
9 Other - Professional Services 9,070,000,000.00
10 Advertising and media services 551,800,000.00
11 Educational and reading materials 20,000,000.00
12 ICT Hardware and Software Solutions 1,837,327,260.00
13 Auctioneers and Court Bailiffs 4,000,000.00
14 Public relations and professional communications services 212,320,000.00
15 General Supplies 3,442,158,278.00
16 Research, Training and capacity building services 4,322,000,000.00
17 Management advisory services 3,347,000,000.00
18 Brand visibility 3,940,000,000.00
19 Computer Equipment and Accessories 858,880,000.00
20 Equipment Maintenance, Servicing and Repairs 360,500,000.00
21 Building, Construction, Architectural, Plumbing and Carpentry Works 2,287,000,000.00
22 Repair & Rennovation of Properties 516,727,622.00
23 Air ticketing, tours and travel 3,608,968,000.00
24 Architectual and engineering consultancy 396,000,000.00
25 Sports equipment and accessories 400,000.00
26 Events management 12,000,000.00
27 Uniforms, curtains, protective wear and carpets 5,520,000.00
28 Generators and solar equipment 115,000,000.00
29 Hire of Machinery 22,000,000.00
30 Motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts 525,300,000.00
31 Office supplies 12,000,000.00
32 Team Building 160,000,000.00
33 Insurance Services 259,800,000.00
34 Antiviral drugs 8,000,000.00
35 Medical Supplies/Equipment 31,450,000.00
36 Employment placement/recruitment 10,000,000.00
37 Electrical equipment and components and supplies 137,550,900.00
38 Plumbing materials 15,920,000.00
39 Cleaning equipment, materials and toiletries 3,232,090.00
40 Maintenance and service of Air conditioners 5,000,000.00
41 Construction of Community Access Roads 10,000,000.00
42 Gardening, Garden designing and landscaping 15,600,000.00
43 FURNITURE & FITTINGS 245,833,325.00
44 Engraving 10,000,000.00
45 Human resources services 80,000,000.00
46 Cleaning and compound maintenance 320,000,000.00
47 Security and personal safety 144,000,000.00
48 Motor vehicle,motorcycle repair and maintanance 85,000,000.00
49 Servicing of fire extinguishers and suppression system 18,000,000.00
50 Civil engineering and Construction of buildings & carpentry 559,942,060.00
51 Air conditioners and accessories 163,826,000.00
52 Land and soil preparation and management and protection 22,500,000.00
53 Branded items- (Staff & External) 91,100,000.00
54 Catering services 136,500,000.00
55 Building and construction materials 48,000,000.00
TOTAL UGX: 40,529,865,897.00